David Weiss is a top-performing sales executive, leader, and strategist at ADP, one of the world’s largest and most experienced HR providers. David is an expert in sales strategy, sales operations, training, and the ways companies brand themselves to attract a target audience. As a sales manager, Continue Reading …
Search Results for: David Weiss
Clip: Things David Believes that Average Sellers Don’t
Clip from Episode 24: ADP Sales Pro, David Weiss, on Generating 2-3X Results with a Strong Sales Methodology:
I still believe in hand written notes and I still believe in FedEx packages. I still believe in coming up with ways through those methods to kind of cut through the noise. I’ll tell you I do believe that getting to VITA and staying at VITO is possible. I think it’s not as hard as some people may make it out to be. If you can again lead with the value to their organization with the business case with the why. And then the last piece is I’m happy to walk away. I mean if there’s not a clear alignment between both organizations it may not make sense and that’s OK. And I think I still see salespeople that try and save the deal or fight for the deal or try and win unwinnable deals or spend their time on deals that have low to no probability of closing and if based on deal qualification and based on MEDDPICC. If everything’s in the red probably not going to close. Why are we spending so much time on it?”
A Personal Update from Scott
Hey there, thank you for listening to and subscribing to this podcast. I really appreciate it. I just have two quick updates for you in this off-schedule episode.
The first one is personal, and what I’m actually going to do is include my Daily Sales Tip from May 31st here in a couple of minutes so you don’t have to go hunt that down if you haven’t yet heard it.
It’s a little bit of an uncomfortable share for me, but explains the inconsistency with new interviews here on Sales Success. A situation I’m working on rectifying over the next few weeks. So I guess stay tuned for that update.
In the meantime, I want you to get yourself registered for the webinar series that we’re presenting with the support of Vidyard, The Sales Collective, Sales Hacker, Outreach, and the Sales Feed. It’s happening on Friday, June 9th.
Hopefully, you’re able to join us live, but if you register we’ll be sure to get you the recordings afterwards. Do us both a favor and hit pause, click over to Top1.fm/WS for Webinar Series, and register. You can see the full lineup there as well, but being that you’re listening to a podcast, you might be a bit more audio inclined, so let me share with you what’s in store:
We’ll be kicking things off at 10 am Central Time with Jamal Reimer talking about Your Path to Enterprise Sales – How to Hunt Whales.
Then at 11, Ian Koniak will be talking about the Mindset of Sales Champions
At Noon, Steve Heroux from The Sales Collective will get Inside Your Sales DNA – The Hidden Factors Preventing Sales Success
at 1 o’clock Dr. Lisa Palmer will help us Supercharge our Sales with ChatGPT and other AI Tools
After 3 hours of non-stop action, Melissa Gaglione will be joining me at 2:15 to help you Book More Meetings TOMORROW with Video Prospecting
and finally, at 4 pm, David Weiss will help bring it home with The Ultimate Sales Playbook.
This is the best lineup I’ve put together since last year’s Summit and you don’t want to miss it.
So if you didn’t hit pause before, do it now or at least ask your phone via Siri or Google or Alexa or whatever to remind you to go to top1.fm/ws to get registered today.
And now, here’s last Wednesday’s Daily Sales Tip with my personal update:
And you signed up for the webinar series, right? Seriously! You’re not allowed to listen to another podcast without going to top1.fm/WS to register and do me one other huge favor. Tell a friend or two… or 20! Thanks for listening!
Setting Yourself Up For A Great 2023!
I’ve got one more short update episode for you as we wrap up the year. We should be back with a new interview episode the first week of January, so make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast.
The first update is that the videos from the 2022 Sales Success Summit should be available just in time for Christmas. If you’ve already signed up and are waiting for those to be delivered. Keep an eye on your inbox. If you didn’t fill out the form at Top1Summit.com to get access to all of those videos for free, this is your last chance. You’ll need to do that before December 31st. After that, they’ll be going up behind a paywall. That said if you’re listening to this in 2023 and beyond. You can get a couple of access codes to individual videos by joining our mailing list at top1.fm. That’s T-O-P the number 1 dot FM, and the link to the summit page is available there as well. Hit pause and do that now if you haven’t already!
Now, if you’re looking to set yourself up for a super solid 2023 I’ve got an incredible offer for you in our All Access Pass and as I talk through this you can find the details at top1.fm/2023. You may have heard me say before that I’m really leaning into the community this year. In addition to our two-day Sales Success Summit next October, we’re adding another single-day event in May called Basecamp. Both events will feature presentations from the top performing sales professionals that you’ve heard here on this podcast and as excited as I am about both of those events, the thing I think is really going to make the biggest difference is the way we’re working to engage and connect the community in a more meaningful and impactful way. We just kicked off a gamified experience just for All Access Pass Holders that’s as much about bringing the community together as it is about public personal accountability and working together to execute at the highest levels.
I’ll make a quick distinction here on who I think this is and isn’t for. If you’re at a stage in your sales career where you’re not sure what you need to do, then this probably isn’t for you. If on the other hand, you know the things you need to do to be successful, you just need the appropriate peer pressure to get it done, then we built this for you!
Imagine surrounding yourself with the best of the best and others who are committed to taking their performance to the next level. Where there’s a strong dose of healthy competition and even some rewards along the way.
Right now, a solid percentage of these active community members are top performers who you’ve heard on this podcast. In fact, I was having a conversation with Luke Floyd who finished at 200% of his annual number again this year and he was talking about how all he’s going to focus on next year is the inputs. He’s going to control his controllables, because he knows that when he does the right things, the results come.
Jack Wilson shared that he wants to be who he says he is. I’ll let that one sink in for a minute, because it’s powerful. He wants to be who he says he is. Talk is cheap right? This community is about action and holding each other and ourselves to a higher standard.
I don’t know about you, but I need this myself. We don’t always get the right kind of support from our leaders. In the Sales Success Community, we’re all about supporting each other and helping each other win in the right way. We’re in this for the long haul. We see sales as our profession, as a craft and we’re committed to being better and doing better in a healthy and sustainable way.
A few people in the community are working to make sure they’re on the right path, because they may not be in the ideal position right now and we’re helping them find that place where they can thrive. In fact, I saw a great post the other day that said a bottle of water might be 50 cents in a bundle at Costco, it might be $3 at a restaurant and it might even be $6 at the airport. It’s the same bottle of water, but it’s valued differently based on the place. Are you in the right place and being valued appropriately?
If you’re in sales for the right reasons, and you have enough experience to know what you need to do, but you could benefit from a strong support system, then we built this community for you, and I’m underselling the heck out of it. Even if you can’t make it to the events that are part of this package, I’m confident that you’ll get a ton of value out of investing in yourself this way.
You’re welcome to use development dollars if your company provides funds for personal improvement, but I’ve personally found these experiences to be the most impactful when you invest in yourself. When you have some of your own skin in the game.
To put your skin in the game, to make that investment in yourself, just go to top1.fm/2023. As soon as you make that payment I’ll be in touch to get you plugged into the Sales Success Community Game so you can start realizing value right away.
And there’s one other thing that we’re offering for free as a bit of a trial, a bit of a test. Next week is the week between Christmas and New Year. A lot of companies are officially closed. It’s likely going to be a slow week. So I asked several members of the core Sales Success Community. The ones who’ve been on the podcast and continually give back and benefit from the community if they’d be willing to offer up some time to talk with podcast listeners in this down week. A bunch of them said yes, and this is your opportunity to have a conversation. To get some mentoring and help to make sure you’re on the right track for 2023.
If you’ll go to top1.fm/EOYCHATS for End of Year Chats, no spaces or anything just top1.fm/E-O-Y-C-H-A-T-S you’ll find links to book a conversation with David Weiss, Jacquelyn Nicholson, Dustin Brown, Chris McNeill, DeJuan Brown, Jack Wilson or myself. The hard part is that we’re asking you to only pick one of us. Of course, if you grab your All Access Pass you’ll have opportunities to interact with many of us one on one, but as our gift to you and a way to give back, we all wanted to offer up some time to see if we can help.
So let me give you one last rundown as a recap and repeat those links for you.
The 2022 Sales Success Summit videos will be coming out right before Christmas. Make sure you’ve filled out the form at Top1Summit.com
To get your All Access Pass and get into the inner circle of the Sales Success Community go to top1.fm/2023
And to book a complimentary session with one of these amazing community members, click over to top1.fm/eoychats
Make that decision, take an action, and take control of your success in 2023 and beyond. I’ll talk to you next year. Thanks for listening!
New Sales Job Due Diligence
Be Specific About What You Want
A 9 Point Checklist for Sales Reps Looking at a New Role
How to Land Your Dream Tech Sales Job
Demystifying the 10K for Sales Professionals: Evan Kelsay
This episode is brought to you thanks to Outreach, QuotaPath, and Vidyard who all happen to have open sales roles. To learn more about them and all of our sponsors who support this podcast and this community, click over to top1.fm/sponsors
In today’s bonus episode on the Sales Success Stories podcast I want to talk about doing your due diligence on a new sales role. This is something that has come up over and over again in this community because the position you find yourself in, in terms of the company you’re selling for, the industry, and in large part who you’re working for can have a massively outsized impact on your success in sales, and I’ve threatened for way too long to create some type of resource to help with these decisions. Well, here’s your resources thanks to a thread in the Sales Success Community Slack that Luke started, with some significant contributions from Eddie Baez and David Weiss.
Before we get into the due diligence on the company you’re considering going to work for. I’d highly recommend you do some due diligence on yourself. I even wrote a story about this for the first Sales Success Stories book and shared that audio from that piece a few years ago. If you’ll go to top1.fm/dd for due diligence I’ll include links to all of the resources like that that come up.
The title of that piece was “Be Specific About What You Want.” The idea is that you really need to give careful consideration to what’s going to be the right fit for you. One of the most important considerations is who you’re selling to and what you’re selling. You’re going to spend a lot of time interacting with your buyers. They should probably be people you enjoy spending time with. For me that’s sales and marketing professionals because they tend to be more optimistic and forward-looking, which is important to me because I’ve also sold to HR, Finance, and IT types who tend to be the opposite. They’re typically way more pessimistic and risk-averse. You should also consider what size of organization is right for you. Will you benefit from great training, a well-known brand, and a lot of resources that a large organization offers, recognizing that there will likely be some additional bureaucracy and internal complexity that comes with that, or will you thrive working for a small company where you can be more nimble and creative, but where you’ll probably need to figure out a lot of things on your own and will need to wear some additional hats?
Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you’re targeting the right role and give careful consideration to the price point that you’ll be selling at. Jason Lemkin of SaaStr who I don’t always agree with, wrote a pretty good piece about 9 reasons good salespeople fail, and he makes a really good point about watching great sales reps thrive at a 20K price point who can’t make it selling something that’s 2K and vice versa. Again, I’ve got that link for you at top1.fm/dd
Alright, so now you’ve found a company that you’re interested in going to work for who you think will be a good fit for you. This is where the real due diligence begins because you’re about to commit 100% of your professional effort to this company, and you want to make sure that you get a good return.
I’d recommend you start with the solution. Do you believe in what they sell? If you don’t believe in the product, it’s nearly impossible to find success. In many ways, sales is simply a transference of belief. So take a look at their offering. Look at their customers. Ideally, you have somebody in your network who uses the solution who can share their honest opinion. Now if you don’t already know somebody, you can always reach out cold to a reference the have on their website. This is also an incredible way to set yourself apart in the hiring process. If you want to dig really deep into that idea, listen to the conversation I had with Jacob Gebrewold on How to Land Your Dream Tech Sales Job. The other thing you can do is to reach out to another sales professional in that industry to get their perspective. This just happened recently in the community as well. Sometimes something sounds really good from the outside, but you might learn from somebody that’s in the middle of it that while this solution sounds like a good idea on paper, most companies aren’t investing in this type of solution and it’s a really hard sales. Definitely something you want to know BEFORE you take the leap.
Solid product. Great. Now, what about the company itself? I would dig into culture and financials in that order. Culture is absolutely critical and this is kind of a personal hack and shortcut, but you can learn a lot just by looking at the CEO. What is their background? Do they come from a sales background or did they build their career in product or finance? Personally, that’s more or less my order of preference. A top leader who’s spent some time selling often sets up a really great culture because they understand sales. Anybody that comes from a customer-centric place like product, marketing, or customer service can institute a strong culture based on the customer as well. It’s not a red flag necessarily, but you might want to be just a bit more wary if the most senior leader in the organization comes from a purely financial or engineering type background.
You can also get some really good clues about culture just by reading reviews about the company. Glassdoor, PayScale, and RepVue can all offer some interesting insights. But the most important thing you can do is to talk to people. You should work to have a conversation with at least one member of every team you’ll be interacting with on a regular basis. Obviously, you’ll want to talk to others on your immediate team to get their perspective, but talk to a solution consultant or sales engineer, talk to somebody in marketing, talk to somebody in customer service, and somebody in product. This will give you a broad-based view of the company and its challenges beyond just a myopic sales view.
As you’re talking to some of those sales peers, this is probably a good time to learn a little bit about comp. Validate how many people are at or above quota. Are targets reasonable, or are you being sold a dream based on “faux T E,” shoutout to Elaine for making me aware of this one. OTE is an acronym for On Target Earnings. It’s the amount of total compensation between base and commission you should expect to receive at 100% of plan. Unfortunately, there are a lot of organizations where very few people actually see that kind of W-2 and thus, Faux TE. You should also ask about turnover. I’ve found this to be one of the best indicators of organizational health. If there’s a lot of turnover, be very very careful. It’s almost always a very bad sign.
On the financial side, for the larger public companies, this is a lot easier and Eddie Baez recommends looking at their earnings calls and financials. Their shareholder memos and messages from senior leadership with provide useful background on the operating environment and the firm’s corporate objectives.
For an incredible resource on how to make the best use of public company documents like this. Check out Evan Kelsay’s highly entertaining Sales Success Summit presentation on Demystifying the 10K for Sales Professionals. Again top1.fm/dd.
If the company you’re considering isn’t public, you can look at Crunchbase to find out details about their fundraising activities, and this is just an areas that you’ll need to lean into and ask some more explicit questions about.
The last piece is critically important, and that’s the due diligence you need to do around your potential new manager. This relationship can make or break everything. Make sure you understand their style and their approach, but here you really need to get outside of what they tell you and validate. Certainly, talk to other people on the team about their perspective, but the most powerful thing you can do is use LinkedIn to find reps that have worked with them in the past. You can ask all the same questions about their style and what it’s like to work for them, but the most telling thing of all is probably in their answer to your question about whether or not they would work for this person again and why. Remember it’s super important to get outside of the organization for these detail. Find one or two people who don’t care whether or not you end up going to work for this company to find the truth.
All of that sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Because it is, but every career decision you make is critical to your overall personal trajectory. Going in the wrong direction even for a year or a year and a half can have a major impact long term, while the same is true if you make a great decision and work for an incredible company under super-strong leaders. Trust your gut! If something doesn’t feel right, there’s probably a reason for that. Don’t chase the dollars and the title. They’re important considerations for sure, but in almost every case I’ve ever seen that they’ve been the primary driver, the person who accepted the promise of the big dollars and the big title has regretted it. Too often they just don’t materialize. So be a little bit skeptical. You might even build a scorecard to help you be a little bit more objective in a very emotional decision.
Finally, you can’t talk to too many people. There’s literally no such thing as too many conversations. Talk to people in and around the organization, but lean on your network and your mentors. Join the Sales Success Community Slack and lean in there. To do that, you just need to hold some $SALES coins and your link today is SalesCoin.co/dd. Now if you haven’t created an account yet, go to SalesCoin.co/start and then share your username and wallet ID at salescoin.co/form so I can send you your first $10 worth.
I’m sure we’ll be continuing the conversation on Slack, and you can also ask even more specific questions. It’s a pretty incredible collection of humans. Many of whom you’ve heard here on this podcast.
Good luck in your search and may your next sales role, or the decision to stay where you are, put you on the path to greatness. Thanks for listening!
Investing & Side Hustling for Sales Professionals
David Weiss is a top performer and expert in sales strategy, sales operations, training, and the ways companies brand themselves to attract a target audience. In this very special bonus episode, Scott welcomes David to engage in a conversation on today’s topic, Investing and Side Hustling for Sales Professionals.
David and Scott touch on subjects such as dollar-cost averaging, cryptocurrency, REITS, owning your own residence, and much more. David shares his thoughts on side hustles and why he believes that most sales professionals jump into their side hustles too quickly and at the expense of their everyday hustles. Finally, David speaks to his ability to build networks and foster relationships and why those two things have been critical to his success.
What We Covered:
00:01 – Scott takes a moment to thanks today’s sponsor, the brand new Sales Community Coin: $SALES
00:25 – Scott takes a moment to welcome today’s guest, David Weiss, who joins the show to discuss Investing & Side Hustling for Sales Professionals
02:31 – David’s thought process behind money management
06:17 – Living to your base salary instead of your commissions
10:42 – Retirement, real estate, and other investments David allocates his extra income to
14:54 – Fear and greed and why dollar cost averaging is crucial
19:50 – Scott and David discuss their own thoughts on investment strategies
27:29 – Owning your own real estate
35:31 – Scott and David provide their thoughts on the right way to go about side hustles
44:38 – David speaks to his own side hustle and the results he’s been able to achieve
47:09 – Posting content and growing an audience using LinkedIn
52:37 – More sage advice on side hustles
56:16 – Building networks and fostering connections
58:15 – Scott takes a moment to promote David’s MEDDPIC course and how owning $SALES Coin can help you gain access at a discounted rate
1:00:58 – Scott thanks David for joining the show to engage in this conversation
“My philosophy which I live by is, ‘Live to your base. Your commissions are for investments. And I’m going to invest, after taxes, pretty much all of my commissions.’” (05:06)
“The thought that I’ve often had is that same idea that when other people are being super greedy and the market is at the top, that’s when you should be selling and finding other things. And when people are super scared and the market is going down, that’s when you buy what I like to think is assets on sale. Think of it like Black Friday and you’re trying to buy your electronics at half price.” (18:39)
“I’m a big believer that before you spin up a side hustle, you need to get really good at your hustle.” (36:24)
“So much in life is just being smart with time management and saying, ‘Where am I getting the most value? Where am I making the most money? Where am I having the biggest impact? Let me allocate those things accordingly to get the best possible outcome.’” (52:18)
“My ethos, what I wake up for every single day, one of my core ‘Whys’ is I have a desire to help the sales community be its best self and help sellers reach their potential.” (56:36)
Links Mentioned:
$Sales Coin Intro
[email protected]
2022 Sales Success Summit
ALL Enterprise Sales Episodes
ALL SDR Episodes
David Weiss on LinkedIn
MEDDPICC Master Class
Secular Bear Markets
Fear & Greed in the Market
Article on Cryptocurrency
Sponsors Mentioned:
2021 Sales Success Summit Presentations

Scott Ingram Founder & CEO, Sales Success Media

Product Led Growth & the Future of Selling; The Robots are Coming
Katie Jane Bailey Senior Enterprise Account Executive, Figma

Managing Up: Collaborating WITH Your Leadership
DeJuan Brown Director, Solutions Specialist, Microsoft

The Leader Within
Constantine Johns Senior Enterprise Relationship Partner, Bloomberg

Building a World Class Sales Team
David Weiss & Jack Wilson

7 Steps to Earning 7-Figures
Brandon Fluharty VP, Strategic Account Solutions, LivePerson

Win in Sales or Life: Have Confidence. Have Fun. Have Self Respect
Jenn Zhou Senior Account Executive, Attentive

Day 2 Opening
Scott Ingram Founder & CEO, Sales Success Media

Stepping Up Into Leadership Panel
Debe Rapson and Paul DiVincenzo

Life After SDR: Building for Tomorrow, a Career Narrative
Sarah Brazier Senior Account Executive, Gong

Closing Big Deals with a Winning Mentality
Irfan Jafar Director End User Computing Solutions Sales, VMware

Team Selling Panel
Camille Clemons & DeJuan Brown

Reverse Panel + Lifestyle Discovery
Katie-Jane Bailey & DeJuan Brown

You Are NOT Your Number
Ian Koniak Founder & President, Ian Koniak Sales Coaching Inc.

Scott Ingram Founder & CEO, Sales Success Media
2021 Sales Success Summit
😢 This Summit is over... But there's the next one around the corner 🥲
Speakers include

Sarah Brazier
Senior Account Executive,

Katie Jane Bailey
Senior Enterprise Account Executive, Figma

Ian Koniak
Founder & President,
Ian Koniak Sales Coaching Inc.

Irfan Jafar
Director End User Computing Solutions Sales, VMware

David Weiss
Regional VP of Sales,

Constantine Johns
Senior Enterprise Relationship Partner,

Jack Wilson
Enterprise Account Executive,

DeJuan Brown
Director, Solutions Specialist,

Jennifer Zhou
Senior Account Executive,

Brandon Fluharty
VP, Strategic Account Solutions,

Deb Rapson
SVP of Sales,

Paul DiVincenzo
Regional Vice President,
Event schedule
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT

Scott Ingram Founder & CEO, Sales Success Media
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

Product Led Growth & the Future of Selling; The Robots are Coming
Katie Jane Bailey Senior Enterprise Account Executive, Figma
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM CDT

Managing Up: Collaborating WITH Your Leadership
DeJuan Brown Director, Solutions Specialist, Microsoft
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM CDT

The Leader Within
Constantine Johns Senior Enterprise Relationship Partner, Bloomberg
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM CDT

Building a World Class Sales Team
David Weiss & Jack Wilson
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM CDT

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM CDT

7 Steps to Earning 7-Figures
Brandon Fluharty VP, Strategic Account Solutions, LivePerson
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM CDT

Win in Sales or Life: Have Confidence. Have Fun. Have Self Respect
Jenn Zhou Senior Account Executive, Attentive
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM CDT

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM CDT

Live Interview
with AJ Bruno
2021 Sales Success Summit Preview
This episode is brought to you thanks to the generous support of QuotaPath, Skipio, and Proposify. To learn more about them and all of our sponsors who make this show and the Sales Success Summit possible, click over to Top1.fm/sponsors
In today’s bonus episode of I wanted to share a bit of a preview of this year’s Sales Success Summit. At this point, I’ve got about 70% of the agenda figured out, which is even more than it sounds like because I try to keep 15-20% of it undefined so we can be flexible in the moment and either go deeper into a particular topic that people are interested in, or explore something important that comes up that we don’t already have accounted for in the scheduled talks. So I’ll really only be adding 2-3 more scheduled speakers.
While I continue to work on that, let me tell you about what we do have set up so far and if you’ll click over to top1.fm/2021preview I’ll have all of these details in addition to links to each presenter’s episode as well so you can go even deeper in your preparation for the event itself on October 11th and 12th.
Now, this isn’t necessarily in order, but here’s who you’ll be hearing from so far:
Sarah Brazier is going to talk about “Life After SDR: Building for Tomorrow, her Career Narrative”
Katie Jane Bailey is going to dig into a core theme in this community and will talk about “Iron Sharpening Iron”
Ian Koniak and I have been talking for a while about him presenting on “You Are Not Your Number”
Irfan Jafar from VMware will cover “Closing Big Deals with a Winning Mentality,” and I know he’s coming off of a recent 8 figure deal that he brought in at the end of his last quarter.
We’ve got a really dynamic duo lined up with David Weiss & Jack Wilson who will talk about “Building a World-Class Sales Team” both from the perspective of the leader of that team and a top player on the team.
My friend DeJuan Brown will be back to share a process he has that absolutely fascinated me. His talk is titled: “Managing Up: Collaborating WITH Your Leadership”
Constantine Johns will help us explore “The Leader Within”
Jenn Zhou who you just heard on the show last week is going to bring us: “Winning in Sales or Life: Have Confidence. Have Fun. Have Self Respect”
and last but certainly not least, Brandon Fluharty is going to speak on “7 Steps to Earning 7 Figures”
Like I said, there’s more to come, but I couldn’t be more excited about how strong this content is going to be.
Now if you’re planning to join us here in Austin to be part of this experience and you don’t already have your ticket, please hurry. There aren’t many left, and rather than covering it here, if you’d like to know more about how we’re working to provide as safe an environment as we possibly can with the goal of essentially creating our own mini-bubble around the event, just send me a note and ask for the Summit Safety video that I included in last week’s newsletter. Thanks to Vidyard, sending that your way is just two quick clicks for me.
If you’re not able to join us in person, thanks to our incredible sponsors: QuotaPath, Skipio, Proposify, Outreach, Gong, and Vidyard you can sign up for the live stream for free. In either scenario, you can grab your ticket or register for the live stream at Top1Summit.com
I’m also working with those sponsors to collectively make a contribution to our non-profit partner – UNCrushed for each and every person who signs up to join us. So do me a favor and encourage your entire team and everybody you know to get registered. There’s going to be a great opportunity to do some good in support of mental health, and certainly do some good for yourself in improving your own mindset, and inspiring you to rise to greatness.
There’s a ton more that we’re building in for those who will be joining us here in Austin, from an outdoor BBQ experience at one of my favorite spots in town to a red carpet-themed afterparty where I think the dress code can best be described as faux fancy. We’re even printing custom jerseys for every attendee to go with our theme of world-class sales teams.
Come join us. If not in-person, then definitely on the live stream. Be sure to block some time on October 11th and 12th. The core content will run from 10 am to 4 pm Central Time, and you can get registered at Top1Summit.com That’s T-O-P the Number One, Summit (with two m’s) dot com.
Tell a friend and then watch your email for more updates as we get closer.
Thanks for listening and make sure you’re subscribed here to the Sales Success Stories podcast so you don’t miss another killer interview episode next week.
I’ll talk to you then!
Sarah Brazier – Life After SDR: Building for Tomorrow, a Career Narrative
Katie Jane Bailey – Iron Sharpens Iron
Ian Koniak – You are Not Your Number
Irfan Jafar – Close Big Deals with a Winning Mentality
David Weiss & Jack Wilson – Building a World-Class Sales Team
DeJuan Brown – Managing Up: Collaborating WITH Your Leadership
Constantine Johns – The Leader Within
Jenn Zhou – Win in Sales or Life: Have Confidence. Have Fun. Have Self Respect
Brandon Fluharty – 7 Steps to Earning 7 Figures
LinkedIn Sales Stars Evaluation List
This is the list of people we’re planning to evaluate for the next update of the LinkedIn Sales Stars Top 100 list. For the objective evaluation criteria/formula see page 3 of the “108 Tips from 36 LinkedIn Sales Stars” PDF here.
Not on the list, or know somebody else who should be? Add a comment below with their name and a link to their LinkedIn profile.
Aaron Ross
AddA Sales
Ahmad “Al” Upshaw Jr.
AJ Bruno
Alea Homison
Alex Alleyne
Alex Smith
Alexine Mudawar
Allan Ramsay
Amy Quick
Amy Slater
Amy Volas
Andrew Mewborn
Andy Bounds
Andy DeAngelis
Andy Miller
Annie Roche
Anthony Iannarino
Armand Farrokh
Ashleigh Early
Ashley Welch
Becc Holland
Belal Batrawy
Belinda Aramide
Bernadette McClelland
Brandon Bornancin
Brian Bar
Brooke Bachesta
Brooke Holt
Bryan Elsesser
Bryan McDonald
Brynne Tillman
Calum Kilgour
Calvin Patterson
Camille Clemons
Catie Ivey Coutinho
Chad Olds
Chris Beall
Chris Orlob
Chris von Huene
Chris Walker
Christine Rogers
Cian Mcloughlin
Colleen Francis
Collin Cadmus
Cory Rich
Costas Perkas
Courtney Johnson
Craig Rosenberg
Cynthia Barnes
Dailius Wilson
Dale Dupree
Dan Frost
Dan Tyre
Daniel Burke-Aguero
Daniel Disney
Dave Kurlan
David Brock
David Masover
David Priemer
David Stanton
David Weiss
Dawn Deeter-Schmelz
Denis Champagne
Dr. Howard Dover
Emanuel Carpenter
Emmanuelle Skala
Eric Stine
Fernando Corona
Francois Bourdeau
Galem Girmay
George Bronten
Gerry Hill
Givonn Jones
Graham Hawkins
Itzy Holczler
Jacco vanderKooij
Jack Wilson
Jacquelyn Nicholson
Jaime Lannon Diglio
Jake Dunlap
Jake Harry
Jamal Reimer
James Bawden
James Buckley
James Carbary
James Crisp
Jason Bay
Jason McElhone
Jeetu Mahtani
Jen Ferguson
Jeremiah Griffin
Jeremy Donovan
Jeremy Leveille
John Barrows
John Grispon
Jon Selig
Josh Braun
Josh Levine
Josh Roth
Josh Wagner
Joshua Desha
Jules White
Justin Michael
Justin Reynolds
Justin Welsh
Kasey Jones
Kate Hore-Lacy
Ken Baldo
Kevin Dorsey
Kevin Piket
Kristen Twining
Kristina Finseth
Kristina McMillan
Kristina Wiig
Kyle Coleman
Kyle Jepson
Larry Levine
Larry Long Jr
Lauren Goldstein
Laxman Papineni
Lee Rozins
Leila Mozaffarian
Lindsey Boggs
Liz J. Simpson
Logan Lyles
Lori Richardson
Luigi Prestinenzi
Marcus Chan
Maria Tribble
Mark A. Smith
Mark Roberge
Martin MacArthur
Marylou Tyler
Matt Amundson
Matt Flamman
Matt Wagner
Matthew Toth
Max Altschuler
Meagan Suckling
Meghan Booth
Michael Gagliano
Michael Grinberg
Michael Tuso
Michelle Benfer
Mickeli Bedore
Mike Hook
Mike Weinberg
Morgan Ingram
Nathan Leary
Nick Cegelski
Nikki Ivey
Patrick Downs
Paul Salamanca
Paul Turner
Peter Kazanjy
Phil Dickenson
Rachel Mae
Rajiv “RajNATION” Nathan
Richard Smith
Rob Falcone
Russ Macumber
Ryan Christopher
Ryan Lallier
Ryan Lexer
Ryan Reisert
Ryan Walsh
Sahil Mansuri
Sam Dunning
Sam Jacobs
Sam Lebens
Sam Nelson
Sam Shoolman
Samantha McKenna
Sara Levinson
Sarah Brazier
Sarah Drake
Scott Barker
Scott Douglas Clary
Scott Ingram
Scott Leese
Shari Levitin
Shawn Sease
Simon Hares
Sophia Jackson
Stefanie Boyer
Stephanie Middaugh
Stephen Pronechen
Sumanth Upadrasta
Tabitha Cavanagh
Tara Horstmeyer
Thomas Boccard
Thomas Klinger
Tiffani Bova
Tim Johnson
Tim Riesterer
Todd Caponi
Trent Anderson
Trish Fuller
Tyler Cole
Tyler Menke