Clip from Episode 15 featuring Josh Mueller of Cutco Cutlery and Vast Action, Inc.:
A lot of people that get into sales, they’re getting into it reluctantly because they believe that sales people are sleazy or that it requires a skillset that has a lot of negative connotations attached to it. I don’t believe that at all. In fact I believe that we are all sales people… You gave an amazing example of your wife being one hell of a sales person… Oh she’s awesome! She sold me on staying with her for the rest of my life, so that was a big one. She is one of the best sales people I know. She gets me to take out the trash in the pouring rain sometimes. Parents, you’ve got to sell your kids on doing their homework. Somebody has to sell toilet paper to the store that you buy it from. Everything needs to be sold. So I believe that sales people are really the backbone of the world. Without us, nothing happens. It doesn’t have to be sleazy, it doesn’t have to be pushy or pitchy. It doesn’t have to be what people think of sales and what it was thirty, forty, fifty years ago