Clip from Episode 1: #1 LinkedIn Account Executive – Mike Dudgeon:
Two years ago I was the global AE of the year for LinkedIn I would say that was a big accomplishment for myself just given you know was based out of Chicago had a non-ademic book meaning I worked with the Jim Beams, the McDonald’s of the world which aren’t exactly consumer products lining up to to use LinkedIn for advertising needs because we’re much more business to business to be able to work through that and to attain a large client like Microsoft and to become one of the best AEs at LinkedIn and globally was a huge accomplishment for me both in pride and to see that my work and my theories in terms of sales had paid off but also for my wife at the time. Still today is my wife was super proud just to see. She knew how hard I was working at getting there in terms of definitely a lot of trial and error. That would be the first few years at LinkedIn to develop a certain process that clients respected and liked and to see that come full circle and to see high results and also be recognized for being the global AE of the year was a huge accomplishment.