Clip from Episode 26: How Car Salesman John Hinkson Sold 1600 Cars in his First 3 Years:
If somebody doesn’t buy a car for me, and I hear other salesman up there. Aww well they are cheap or they’re blah or it’s everybody’s fault but theirs. The excuses you know. if I lose a customer there’s no excuse. I did not do my job. I didn’t fact find enough. I wasn’t. If somebody doesn’t see the value in what you’re selling them they’re not going to buy it. You know if they’ve it’s got to be worth more than what they’re paying for. So it’s taking responsibility being accountable for you. And it’s easy to blame. Blame point finger oh it’s them or it’s that or that car was blah blah blah. No! It’s your fault. You’re the reason. You know when you look in the mirror what did you do wrong? You didn’t ask the right questions, you were on the wrong car or maybe you just didn’t mesh you know but any time I lose a deal I did something wrong and I apologized to people before they leave. I’m like I’m so sorry. I failed at my job. I didn’t get you in a car. You came here with a problem and I did not solve it. And I apologize to people. A lot of times they’ll sit back now. You know you just got to ask what was it? Was it me? Was it the dealership? Was it the car? You know again if you can say no no no it wasn’t you. You’re fine. And we just we just wanted one with a sun roof. Why heck, is that all it was? People are scared to tell you sometimes you know they don’t want to hurt your feelings or something. And unless there’s something they think they can get a $60000 vehicle for $200 a month you know something like that. No you can’t overcome that. But usually it’s your fault and you should take responsibility for it. Nobody else in there is responsible for you not selling that vehicle they they’ve given you the dealership they’ve given you the inventory they’ve given you the tools the training the support you didn’t sell them it’s your fault. You didn’t do it. You didn’t do your job.